Wednesday, February 21, 2007

English Rocks 2007

Bloggers awake! It's time to share all of your ideas and writings for Shigemitsu's English 1 class on this website. English Rocks is a site for all classes to make more connections and share our conversations and projects. Let's roll........ . . . . . .

What is the best moment of your day?


hanaumaBAE1230 said...

When I get to sleep, zzz...

Keala no ka oi! said...

I think that best time of the day is dinner. You get to veg and watch TV.

MRKGT said...

Dinner Time

MRKGT said...

or lunch time

Arr. said...

English, Wohoo.

MRKGT said...

maybe even breakfast

david said...

reading the woman warrior

Ashley said...

hanging out with friends

Silent C said...

English is da bomb

mmoy10 said...


Lian 7:30-BDF said...

When you wake up super late after staying up all night.

Alex K said...

hey. umm, dinner time.

kevdawg said...


Alex Ching said...

English is Awesome

:) said...


boshiro10 said...

The best time of the day is when I go to bed...unless it's the weekend.

sgiles said...

Definitely around six, when I finally get home after music lessons. First chance to relax during the day!

jerrold said...

I'm sleeping don't bother me...

Stacie said...

When I go to sleep.

ryoung said...

when all my homeworks done.

cchoy said...

going home to sleep

ingmay said...


hunkychunkymunky said...

My favorite times of the day:
1.English class
2.taking a shower
3.looking in the mirror

League Hype Writer said...

i would say just hanging out with the gang

Janice said...

Hard to say, but any time Saturday is great for me.

Kyle said...

nighttime, when everyone's asleep and you can listen to the world.

Eliaw said...

My favorite time of the day is when I'm doing stuff (hobbies like gardening when it's not raining, playing music, or reading)when my work is done and sleeping. Sleeping is always good.